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St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Rosebank, West Street, Epsom, Surrey, KT18 7RT
Tel. 01372 727850

Our Way of the Cross

Our wonderful Way of the Cross winds its way through the school grounds. 

La Via Dolorosa

Over time, children, staff and governors have created an extensive Way of the Cross in the school grounds. Classes take responsibility for looking after their allocated station.

Named the 'Via Dolorosa', it is a beautiful and spiritual experience which is used throughout the year. 

All children are invited to 'walk the way' during Lent with their families.

Memorial Garden

Once upon a time, our current memorial garden was our 'Jesus Dies on the Cross' station. More recently, the Prayer Leader Chaplains suggested that we move that station to the playground area, so that children could access it at all times.

The memorial garden is now a quiet space where we have memory benches, with plaques for school family members who have died. In September 2024, the children placed ceramic flowers in the memorial garden; these were the flowers made for the Horton Cemetery event (see Participating).


Follow the Way

Follow the link here 'Follow the Way' which takes you to an interactive 'storymap'  and where you will be able to see each station.

These photographs show the stations dedicated to 'Veronica Wipes the Face of Jesus', 'Simon of Cyrene Helps Jesus' and 'Pilate Washes His Hands of Jesus'.

 Our Via Dolorosa is a much-treasured addition to our school.