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St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Rosebank, West Street, Epsom, Surrey, KT18 7RT
Tel. 01372 727850

Arts and Cultural Life

Special and Memorable Events

Our school calendar is very busy and rarely does a week go by without an event of some description. Spiritual, musical and dramatic performances are held throughout the year and recent joys to see have included the Year Six production of 'Peter Pan', the annual Passion Play and the Poetry Recital.

The various links given will guide you through the great wealth of activities and events which take place at St Joseph's during a school year.

Topic day dress up

Special topic days for the children are great opportunities to dress up and bring topics to life, such as Pirate Day in Reception, Victorian Day in Year Five and Tudor Day in Year Six.

Joe Wicks Fitness Friends

'Fitness Fridays' are tremendously popular  days when all children  participate in a range of health and sports activities. Recent sporting experiences include ballet, zumba and football tournaments.

 Culture Day

We celebrate the varied cultures of our school families. In the last few years, we have had wonderful celebration days of the Filipino and Hispanic cultures and the World UNESCO day.