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St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Rosebank, West Street, Epsom, Surrey, KT18 7RT
Tel. 01372 727850

Journeying with God

children praying by cross on playground

Opportunities to Pray

At St Joseph's, every day is infused with prayer and spirituality. Our children tell us that they like to pray in many different ways. We respond to that by offering many opportunities in class, in assemblies and during lunchtimes.

Parents, carers and the wider family are very regularly invited to join us in prayer and worship. These occasions form lifelong memories for children.

Our Prayer and Worship Handbook below will give an idea of the extensive opportunities we have to celebrate as a community of prayer. You will find this on the Policies page in Welcome Information.

Lunchtime Prayers

lunchtime prayer poster

During the week, we offer a chance to attend a prayer and reflection session.  Some children come regularly and some drop in from time to time.

  • Visio Divina 
  • Talk Time
  • Meditation 

Each of these sessions happens at lunchtime, coordinated by staff.

Children of all ages like to take the lead. Our Prayer Leaders coordinate other activities during lunchtimes, such as prayers in the garden and Messy Church craft.

    cross of nails in the meadow              stips of cloth hanging from tree in meadow

                                             Nailed to the Cross                                                                                             Jesus is Stripped

Wednesday Liturgy 

The highlight of our week is our Wednesday gathering, a special time to come together as a community, to pray and reflect. Each one offers the chance to sing joyfully, pray spontaneously and to hear the Word of God.

Our Busy Bees in Year Six and the Prayer Leaders from each year group, play a very central role in this key liturgy. We asked the children what they liked about this special time together, and they told us,

  • 'I like how we gather because it makes me feel peaceful and calm.' 
  • 'We like how we come together as a school to connect with God.'
  • 'I like that even the little ones can help do it.'
  • 'We learn different things about Jesus’ life in every liturgy.'
  • 'Gathering together and singing, because it makes me happy. I like the peace, because it makes you calm.'

Praying with Families

child looking at candleThroughout the months dedicated to Mary in May and October, we welcome parents, carers and the wider family to join us in the church for morning prayers. Different year groups go to church and pray a decade of the Rosary.

During Lent, we walk The Way of the Cross in the school grounds and again families are invited to join us. Have a look at our link to Way of the Cross  to see our purpose-built route.

During the summer months, parents and families are invited to join us for a class liturgy in the meadow and in the prayer garden.

Attending Church

We are infinitely blessed at St. Joseph's not just to have our Parish church located adjacent to the school, but to have such a wonderful church space.

St Joseph's Church website 

Our Parish Priests, Canon William Davern and Father Simon Hall are key people in the children's lives. Both visit school regularly, spending time with the children and staff.

The children regularly tell us how much our church means to them and how it makes them feel: 

  • "I feel holy."
  • “I feel happy because I am in God’s home.”
  • “When I am in the house of God I feel like a disciple.”
  • "I like feeling close to God. Church makes me feel safe and warm, as if I'm being hugged by God."

The entire school attends mass on Holy Days of obligation and to mark special days during the school year. 

Individual classes celebrate their own masses in church throughout the school year.

Each class performs a class liturgical assembly once a year to which parents are welcome. This year the theme for these assemblies is 'religious stories through art'.

School Prayers

These are central to our daily worship together.

God our Father
We offer up to you our day together,
Please help us to work hard,
To play well and to make other people happy.

Bless us O' Lord
As we sit together
Bless the food we eat today.
Bless the hands that made the food,
Bless us, O’ Lord.

End of Day
God our Father,
We’ve come to say
Thank you for your love today.
Thank you for my family and all the friends you give to me.
Guard me in the dark of night and in the morning send your light.

Children Leading Liturgy

Acts of worship and significant liturgical events are highlights of our school year.  The community comes together at key moments to pray, worship and celebrate and these are very special times. The school year is structured around key moments.

From their first days in Reception, children learn what it means to be involved in liturgy and increasingly how to lead the community. In this way, they are prepared to be active members of their parish community.

child performing in nativity play


Reception Classes present their Nativity just before Christmas. This is their first time, of many to come, when they will take a lead and bring the Word of God to others.

child performing in nativity play

Year One lead a wonderfully passionate Carol Service. 

child performing in nativity play

Year Four lead our Harvest celebration and two Reconciliation Services each year.

In Year Six, the Advent Service in the church is a joyous preparation for Christmas.


Our annual May Procession is led by the Year 3 children who will have recently taken their First Holy Communion.

Children in holy communion outfits in church

The Passion Play

Just before Easter, Year Five presents a truly moving Passion Play, a dramatic way to lead us to Easter.  

child acting in passion play

child acting in passion play

children acting in passion play