Governors of St Joseph's
There are twelve Governors of the School, seven Foundation Governors and five Representative Governors. They work continually to ensure that the school maintains its very high standards.
Named Governors take a lead on monitoring progress in all areas of school, rigorously verifying that our children receive a first class education.
The Full Governing Body meets routinely five times a year. There is a formal agenda set in advance and a wide range of issues concerning the school are discussed. At each meeting, the Full Governing Body will hear reports from Lead Governors for Finance, for Health and Safety and for Human Resources. Minutes of the Full Governing Body Meeting are available.
Who are our Governors?
The Governors work to enhance our Catholic community, carrying out the vision of the Diocesan, led by the Bishop. They adhere to a Code of Conduct, which is available to view below.
Governors work as a dedicated team and have a very specific role to play in ensuring that standards are raised and that our children are happy and confident learners. To do this, they work closely with the Headteacher and other staff, as well as the Parish, the local authority and parents.
In common with Governors elsewhere, our Governors are volunteers and their work is unpaid. The Chair of Governors is Mr Chris Donovan and the Vice Chair is Mrs Maureen Johnson. Our Safeguarding Governor is Mr Chris Donovan.
How do the Governors work together?
As most areas of school work are brought to the attention of the Full Governing Body. The Admissions Committee meets when work requires and is chaired by Mr Chris Donovan.
A Finance Committee meets regularly and is chaired by Mr Paul Cullen. To fully inform decision-making, governors make use of the Government's Schools Financial Benchmarking tool, Schools Financial Benchmarking Service
Governors Pecuniary Interests and other details
You will find details of the Governors' relevant pecuniary interests in the document below. The Governors have no financial allowances. As required to publish, no member of staff earns in excess of £100,000 per year.
The DfE encourages schools to publish diversity data for their governors. St Joseph's is committed to being open and transparent in all that it does. To this end, should the need arise, individual governors would be approached to ask if they allow their personal data to be shared on a case-by-case basis.
Instrument of Governance
All Governors serve for a term of four years. Some have continued into a second term.
Role | Date of appointment | End of Term | Attendance at FGB and meetings over the last year | |||
Foundation Governors appointed by the Bishop of Arundel and Brighton | Summer 2024 |
Autumn 2024 |
Spring 2025 | |||
Mr Paul Cullen | Lead for Finance | 01/09/2021 | 31/08/2025 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Mr Nathan Walters | Foundation | 01/09/2021 | 31/08/2025 | Yes | No | No |
Mr Christopher Donovan | Chair of FGB | 12/01/2023 | 11/01/2027 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Mrs Maureen Johnson | Vice Chair of FGB | 01/09/2021 | 31/08/2025 | No | Yes | Yes |
Mrs Jane Stewart | Lead for Health and Safety | 01/09/2021 | 31/08/2025 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Mr Harvey Bradshaw | Foundation | 01/01/2025 | 01/01/2029 | -- | -- | Yes |
Appointment Pending | Foundation | |||||
Representative Governors representing the County and Local Councils, the parents and staff |
Mr Tim Hallett | Headteacher | 01/01/2025 | 31/12/2029 | -- | -- | Yes |
Mrs Karen Hawkey | Parent Governor | 01/09/2021 | 31/08/2025 | Yes | Yes | No |
Mr Trevor Foale | Parent Governor | 01/09/2021 | 31/08/2025 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Mrs Andrea Cooke | Staff Governor | 01/09/2021 | 31/08/2025 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Mrs Jane Goss | Local Authority and Lead for Human Resources | 01/09/2021 | 31/08/2025 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Fr Stephen O'Brien | Foundation | 01/09/2023 | 31/11/2024 | Yes | Yes | / |
Mrs Theresa Kenefick | Headteacher (retired) | / | 31/12/2024 | Yes | Yes | / |
Governors 100 Club
The 100 club is a monthly draw which takes place in school, aiming to raise extra funds for resources.
Participants pay £5 per month and are allocated a number. Each month there are three prizes and the more members we have, the more money you could win. You may have more than one number.
The school could raise £3600 each year from the club. 40% of the proceeds are given out in prizes and 60% are retained by the school. This money will be spent on your children, so even if you don’t win, your children will still benefit!
Application Forms are given below and should be returned to the school office.
Financial Information
Schools are required to publish details regarding employees who have a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more. No member of staff earns this level of salary.
We regularly benchmark school spending and other areas using comparative tools which may be accessed here.