Caring for God's World
We are blessed. St Joseph's is an amazing place to be a child growing up and a wonderful place to work. Our school works hard to show that we care for the many gifts that God has given us by looking after our school and community environment and the wider planet.
Eco Warriors
Each class has two eco-warriors, who are determined guardians of the environment. Led by our Forest School teacher, Mrs Fonticoba, they look after the grounds, recycle waste, maintain the compost bins and prepare the school for the Green Flag Award which we have held for many years.
The Forest School den
Eco warriors and others regularly carry out litter picks in the grounds, on the paths and road outside the school and in the church car park.
Midsummer Cycle to School Day
Each year, on about June 21st, we hold our annual cycle (scoot or walk) to school. Everybody leaves their cars at home. The school is filled with bikes and scooters as we note the impact we are all having on our environment. Everyone is greeted with music playing and a refreshing drink awaiting. It is a wonderful example of what we could achieve by adopting green travel.