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St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Rosebank, West Street, Epsom, Surrey, KT18 7RT
Tel. 01372 727850

Education in Personal Relationships

Education in Personal Relationships (EPR) at St Joseph’s describes the learning children do in relation to their personal, social, moral, cultural and emotional development. This also includes Relationships and Sex Education (RSE), which is brought to the child through the national programme, Life to the Full.


Our school mission statement encapsulates our approach to this area of learning:

  • We are God’s family, here to learn and try our best.
  • God is at the heart of everything . Prayer is behind us in all that we do.
  • We are called to serve others.
  • As friends of Jesus we treat others with respect , as we would wish to be treated. 
  • We want everyone to be the best person they can be. 
  • We are all amazing in our own way.
  • We look after the wonderful world that God created for us. 

We aim to give our children a voice to speak up for justice and to speak out when equality is challenged.  We give them the language they need to express themselves clearly and confidently. We teach them how to make good decisions and how to resist pressures. We ensure that children engage in learning which supports their mental health and wellbeing.

Our Education in Personal Relationships programme of learning is robust and thorough. Children return to common themes like fairness, health, personal choice, year-on-year. 

Some of the areas covered in our EPR programme of study are:

  • Equality, fairness and dignity
  • Awareness and tolerance of religious and cultural diversity
  • Reconciliation and forgiveness
  • Values of Catholic family life and relationships
  • Health and personal hygiene
  • Mental health
  • Personal safety and on-line safety
  • Awareness of radicalisation 
  • Democracy and freedom 
  • Environmental awareness
  • British values


Planned learning takes place both in class and as part of regular house group meetings.

In class, children work in their EPR books, in which they record their learning and their personal reflections.



Our children are able to articulate their learning in EPR. They have a strong moral compass and know right from wrong. We know from surveys that they know what to do if they need help and feel unsafe.

We also know from what they tell us as Eco Warriors, School Council and other groups that they have a voice and are ready and able to let us know their thoughts and ideas.

Child of the Week badges are awarded specifically in an end-of-week assembly, for examples of where we have demostrated that we are livng as people of God.

If you would like any further information about any area please contact the school.

Relationship and Sex Education forms an important part of learning. All learning is age appropriate and parents know in advance of each term what will be covered in school. A copy of the policy for Relationship and Sex Education is found on the Policies page. We follow the 'Life to the Full' programme of study,