You can tell a lot about a school from its attitude to uniform
We are very proud when members of the public comment on how well turned out the children at St. Joseph's are when they attend events, trips and other occasions.
Our uniform is symbolic of the high expectations we have of our children in all areas of their development.
We insist that both in school and out, children are in full uniform, including wearing a navy blue coat without logos and detail.
Uniform may be purchased directly from Lester Bowden in Epsom or on-line through Stevensons using the following link.
Parents will be provided with a copy of the full uniform list on starting school.
Promoting Reasonably Priced Uniform
We operate a very successful recycled uniform shop, run by the Friends of the school.
Increasingly, parents are using the shop for all items of school clothing. Prices are very reasonable and this is a very good way to reuse clothing and to save money. We actively encourage parents to use the shop.
See the attached description of our uniform.