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St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Rosebank, West Street, Epsom, Surrey, KT18 7RT
Tel. 01372 727850

Spelling Lists

Weekly spellings

These are based on the common words as listed by the Department of Education as well as words based on spelling patterns which are the focus of the child's year group. 

Each year group has a list of ten words to learn each week. The words are the same for the vast majority of children. Children do a spelling test each week and their score is recorded by the teachers.  Each child is monitored closely to ensure that they are making good progress.

We expect parents to ensure that children learn their words.  Our homework policy expects that children spend time each day learning their spellings.

Parents may access the spellings lists via the links. If you have any questions please email the school office.

Spelling Challenge

Children in each year group are expected to learn to spell these statutory lists as set by the Government. These spelling lists are given via the links. At school, we run a Spelling Challenge and children are given an award depending on how many spellings they know.  The Challenge is highly motivating for children and typically most children do very well.

They receive a certificate for the following achievement:

  • bronze 20%
  • silver 40%
  • gold 60%
  • platinum 80%
  • diamond 95%